After months of gaining courage to do so I have finally signed up to TalkTalk ADSL broadband. I have been with Pipex on an 'unlimited' service for about 4 years now, and have had several reliability issues due to the long length of phone line connecting me to the exchange.
Recently it had been working very in a very satisfactory and stable way. However, it was still costing me about £20/mth for a 512k service. When TalkTalk recently revised their pricing I decided to look again, and after a phonecall from a suitably pushy salesman I signed up. Line rental, all landline phone calls and broadband for £21/mth - a substantial saving.
TalkTalk didn't really inspire confidence with their overzealous sales, but I though it was time to take the plunge as the savings were potentially huge, plus they promised a substantially better service. Well, today it went live, and when I got home I unplugged my trusty Draytek router and plugged in the less than industrial D-Link replacement. Surely enough all the correct lights came on, and when I checked it had connected at just over 1.1M - a great increase on the old speed.
So far, so good - lets hope the high speeds keep up, and that its reliable.
will the blogging speed-up as a result? :-))
lol, unlikely, thats more of a laziness / organisational issue. Can't seem to get that one resolved.
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